Monday, December 19, 2011

The Sisterhood of Traveling Cookies

My sister and I discussed baking cookies and what day would work for us to bake cookies together. The only day that would work for both of us was on a Friday. The Little One had dance practice so we would go over to her house after practice. We are never busy on Fridays. Usually we bum around and watch movies. The one Friday we put on the calendar to bake cookies... is the day when there is a dance to chaperon and a play to attend. Of course! Doesn't this always happen?
Sister had all the ingredients ready and out. Husband was prepared to take flight upon pre-heat of oven. The kids have disappeared. We were ready. It was 6:30.

No Bakes 
The Sister started off with making the No Bake cookies. It specifically said to drop the cookies QUICKLY. She was under some pressure. They turned out looking good and tasting yummy.

Sugar Cookies - not using cookie cutters. They had to be pushed down with a glass. Sister was pushing them down with the glass. At some point I put some in the oven and forgot to push the cookies down with the glass. They cooked like balls. Keep in mind we are battling with three kids and their drama of coming in the kitchen sometimes wanting to help or tattle on someone for whatever reason. Also, there is a dog involved with the chaos.
The kids did an awesome job frosting the cookies and a superb job making a mess with sprinkles and frosting. These grandparents best appreciate the love and sweat (literally sweat) put into these cookies.

Almond bark pretzels. It is 8:00. The most tedious holiday cookie out there. It feels like it is midnight. You know when you get giggly and laugh at everything but are probably borderline crazy? That how the Sister and I were at this point in the baking process. If her neighbors dropped into the house and saw us in the kitchen they might be inclined to institutionalized us or ask if we were sober (There was no alcohol in the making of the baking process.)
I do not think we talked in our 'normal' voice at all after 7:30.

It is around 9pm. We gave up on the pretzel cookies. The Sister started packaging the sticks in pretty wrapping and pipe cleaners. It is going to be the new big packaging trend. Pipe Cleaners.
Meanwhile, the last of the pretzels, we were glancing at on the stove. They were not hardening. Several times we touched the stove. Actually, It was probably eight times or more... one would tap it and then the other would tap. Is it hot?
In our defense the stove WAS off and it was not that warm. At this point we have lost track of t.i.m.e.
The kids have decided to play nice with each other as we are cleaning up a mess that seemed entirely too large for what our cookie outcome was.
Why do children always start a BRAND NEW game right before it is time to leave and seem to be playing so pleasantly with each other. That is a question for the philosophers of our time. Everything was cleaned up. I, of course, forgot the tins for the cookies.... but.. I think in the end, it all worked out.
If you were the DJ in our evening it would have started off with Christmas music, Linkin Park, They're Coming to Take me Away, Silent film music, and then ending with a chorus of Hallelujah

I am done baking cookies!
The No Bakes were the easiest
I might try my hand at them
at my home.

Otherwise, this marks the end of cookie baking season for Captain Sera.

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