Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Third Batch

I can hear the music playing while I am making the fudge. It's the classic 'dun dun dun' cliffhanger tune where you don't know what will happen until after the commercial break, possibly not until the next week the show airs, or after the holiday season - which brings me to a heated rant about television shows and their holiday breaks. *ahem* Greys Anatomy and Private Practice.. *ahem*... In another post, in another post.....

I added all of the ingredients. It was so simple to add everything together. How can a recipe supposedly easy turn out to be the most challenging experience I would deal with? Melting the chocolate and adding the milk - effortless!

So now that I have added everything together all I need to do is put it in the buttered pan and according to my mother, let it sit and harden.
I let it sit for an hour! I turned down the house heat. I put it in the fridge and finally cut through it. The top layer seems to be harden but underneath when you lift it with a fork the fudge clings to the fork. I suppose I could take it off the fork and form it like play dough. Did I not butter the pan enough?
Alas, you do not need to wait until next week, or after the holidays to find out the end results. I do not think the fudge was a success. I am going to keep it in the fridge overnight in hopes of salvaging some of the chocolate. Otherwise, I am going to be eating a lot of fudge for a while. Too bad my sob t.v. shows are not playing to compliment the fudge....

On the third day of a cookie disaster
Santa has left me high and dry.
Send the elf UPS express please.

 tomorrows menu is chocolate chip cookies...
Bring it on.

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