Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fourth Batch

I decided to pre-make the batch for chocolate chip cookies. I did not have anymore salt. Who runs out of salt? It comes in a huge box. I really thought of leaving it out of the batch. I googled what salt does and I guess salt adds flavor to the batch. I had just enough left in my salt shaker to be able to add it to the batch. I have before added too much salt to sugar cookies and that did not seem to make it flavorful....
I was definitely getting burned out from baking cookies. I wish I could have a teaspoon of baking passion that chefs seem to have in abundance.

I left for work dreading the fact that I would have to go home and bake another set of cookies. Where did the Christmas spirit go? The spirit left and was replaced with a mom who needs to open up a bottle of wine.....

I blame it all on the fact that  I do not have state of art kitchen. This is exactly the reason why....
Look how festive these cookies are! The cookies turned out looking delicious.
I cannot take credit for baking these cookies.....
On the fourth day of baking cookies, Santa delivered me an amazing good looking elf...

My beau baked the entire batch of cookies. It was the best feeling to come home and not have to bake the cookies that night. I just ate them. I firmly believe now that this is how all holiday baking should be. The mother has someone else bake the cookies and when they are all finished (the cooking mess should be cleaned up along with freshly baked cookies finished) she can just sit down and eat them. Isn't this what our kids do? They are onto Something....

Thank you for baking the cookies
(Just to clarify, that is my beau.. my arms are not that hairy....)

Tomorrows post will detail
 traveling to my sister's house.
 We baked cookies there. 

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