Friday, May 4, 2012

My Blah Post

My brain is in a disray with school work and the thoughts of passing or not passing.  I am happy for friends that are graduating with their degree but also jealous because my journey is still at the beginning. My current class I am taking is ethics. I for one do not think that it is ethical for students to stay up late and study. I believe we log it all in our short term memory and forget it after the class.
America, we are naive and fat and totally an ethical debate.

Sometimes I feel like I want to encourage the stereotype. I am okay with it. I would like to sit on a couch, eating all the time, watching t.v. and sleeping. The gaining weight is the only one that is going my way and I just blame that on stress from school. It is an excuse.. like when you are pregnant and say you are eating for two. I did it. So did you. Don't deny it. I'll accept you.

 Sorry Folks, this is my blog for today. A bit
Incoherent and maybe just a start
of senile ramblings 
Short, depressing, I guess you could
call it a
 blah Post

1 comment:

  1. You will do great! Everything we do in life there is always someone further ahead or something we would rather be doing. Cripes, even when I'm sitting on the couch eating, I I wish I had some energy to do *insert anything else here*.

    All of this stress will be worth it at some point I promise. And you know that or you wouldn't still be trucking along.

    Maybe I'm a fat and naive optimist :P
