Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Camping Story

When I go camping, I plan it out for days, weeks, months. I am insanely obsessive and I think subconsciously I worry that an asteroid is going to hit the super market before I purchase all the necessities for the trip. So, if we are camping on Friday I usually start packing things on Monday..and throughout the week. I make several lists, throw them away, lose them and then make more lists.
You know, for someone who was the president of the Green Club I am not really living up to the title.

The closer it gets to Saturday (The day we are scheduled to leave for camping) the more compulsive I get. I am stressed out trying to scramble in finishing my weeks worth of school studies, making more lists....  and of course it so happens that a band called Captain May I decided to schedule themselves to perform on Friday and Saturday. SERIOUSLY? A Little background info: my sister and I enjoy dancing (dancing consists of framing our face and jumping up and down) to this band. I am adding this to the schedule of upcoming events. My stress level has risen a notch. Friday night is here and I am throwing sleeping bags and blankets on the living room floor... trying to decide what to wear to the band. Black leggings and an over sized shirt because there is no way at this point I am feeling the dress up look. The little one is going to go over to the sister-in-laws house for the night.
Quote me.. I told the Beau: "I will only be out till around 11" We stayed until they shut the place down. 1:30AM I got home.
This is the story of our Memorial Weekend Camping Trip. The early start was delayed by me groaning and cursing Captain May I for playing this weekend. (of course I was forced to go out. didn't have a choice.) The Beau is packing everything away trying to stay in good spirits while I crawl to the shower.
Finally we are all packed and off we are to grab the Little One. (Don't worry.. its not a home alone type of story) As we are driving.. It starts to rain. Ah, bugger. Usually isn't the weather report person wrong? Why not this weekend?!
After an hour or so of driving the rain has lightened up a little bit and we are at the camping destination. Though I'd rather sit in the truck and watch Beau put up the tent, I feel a twinge of guilt. Curse guilty feelings. Picture this: Three awkwardly dressed individuals trying to put up a tent in the rain. I applaud our effort. No one yelled at anyone. In fact, everyone pitched in and did their best. Or mostly waited for orders from the Beau because putting up a tent in the rain sucks and all your smart brain cells deplete. (Or may because I onlyb had 4 hours of sleep?) Or possibly because a few camps away I hear some kid playing their recorder. This isn't friggen music class. I'll hot cross bun you!

The rain went away and we went bike riding, fishing, and a hike. I am not sure why, but we always ended up eating around 4:30. We are not 80 years old... I am not sure why we always ate so early. For whatever reason why - it was good because it started to rain again. We have my sister's twin mattress for the Little One and a queen one for us. All cozy laying down telling lame ghosts stories. (I kind of scared myself.. shhhh) It is probably around 1am and we  are awakened by a kid screaming. I have heard night terrors and screaming before. This was full on "I do not want to be camping screaming" It  was probably the same family who brought the recorder. Finally, it is silent and we are all asleep when probably 15 minutes later we woken up by an amazing strike of lighting . of course then followed by a thundering boom. The Little One is awake and asks if a tree is going to fall on us. I reassure her that a tree will not fall on us.. then immediately roll over and whisper to Beau "It won't..right?" The rain is falling from the sky like we were in a drought and this is what we have all prayed for. Slowly, I feel my back starting to feel b.u.m.p.y. the air mattress is slowly deflated. Are you kidding me? Is this a John Candy film? Next a racoon is going to charge through the tent. Good grief! We are rolling and tossing, next thing Little One is scootching herself onto the deflated mattress next to us. Notice how none of us had enough energy to go lay on the perfectly inflated other mattress. We were exhausted and decided that the ground was the least of our issues. I would like everyone to know I slept on the ground. *bows* We awake in the morning to standing water all around our campsite. Mud everywhere. We go to shower and afterwards walk outside back to our campsite and are welcomed with rain again. The rain eventually cleared up, we went on another hike, checked the weather report (more rain and hail), walked back to our muddy campsite and decided since we all are still in good spirits...we should go home.
Notice The muddy feet...
Conclusion: We were rained out but since we suffered through this, I think we are capable for another camping trip... I think...

Next Story to Come:
Valley Fair Amusement Park. Who Pukes First?

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