Thursday, October 6, 2011

Online Dating: Exposed

The best love songs, movies, and stories are most enjoyed with someone else. Someone you love. No one wants to spend the night watching a love movie with a tub of ice cream or pound of butter.

I have decided (more or less my grandmothers have decided) that it is time to really search for "Mr. The One."
Online dating is starting to become the 'way' to meet the opposite sex, yet it still has a negative connotation. Why is it when someone says, "That is great you are talking to a guy!!!...Where did you meet him??" (I always wonder why is it such a shocker to 'them' that I am taking to a guy) I instantly shutter and mumble, "the Internet." Maybe it is because the response I usually get from 'them' is their story of a friend or relative who did not have luck with the website or meeting people, mostly I hear several you be careful online, or some response to make me feel that I am not adequate enough to find a proper gentleman outside of the computer.
We all cannot summon the luck to find someone in the bar, usually the church goers are married or are in the senior citizen category, and even if you would settle for someone random on the street.. (which I might at this point..) they need to at least have a cardboard box big enough for three. I have standards!

So, I log onto this dating site and you need to have a profile photo and write an 'about me' on the profile. I think that my picture accurately presents what I look like. You can tell I am not super skinny, (or skinny at all for that matter!) what color hair and eyes I have. I know that the color of my hair and eyes could be the ultimate decision for someone to contact me on the website. I think most men look at the photo and judge on a decision of aye or nay before reading your profile information. Profile information is the key to read! I am the lock and if you do not read the information, the key, you are not going to open the door!
The next photo I upload, I will be looking how I normally am. The real Captain Sera. No make-up, cream on the face, hair in a dishevel pony tail, sporting a full body shot in a sweatshirt over my mom jeans! To make it sexier, I will need to use my phone instead of a camera.

About me: I am a single mother, I go to school, and work. Most of my time is spent telling bill collectors off and going to school programs. Exciting enough? Except, online you do not use words as 'single mom', still in school, or unemployed. You spice up your job title up and say, "I am an outspoken person who is looking for new things to try." You should leave the income section blank. If you have a kids, you should probably write something to scare off people who do not want kids. Try this in your about me section,"If you don't like kids...move along, children haters!" or, "my child is 98 percent of my life. The other two percent are used for taking a bath and drinking alchohol." Except, you will most likely get a lot of messages from people who are children haters, jobless Joes', and men who just want to do the dirty deed. Remember? They do not read your profile information. They are just looking at your profile photo of the kissy face you uploaded with all your make-up on.
When someone messages me on the website I scour their personal information. Some advice for the guys, try to write the entire word out. Right? U know what i sayin, yo? Spelling words wrong is so very unattratiive.

I need to know if you are going to provide for me and my kid. It is a tough dating world out there. Most of us choose to go online because we were hurt from an ex or cannot find anyone that meets the right criteria.
Whatever the reason, we all put on a painted face. We try to mask who we are so that the prospect person will 'like us' more. No one wants to be rejected. The facade of who we are.
This is my journey and I want to wash the paint off my face.

Face cream, and sweatshirt, and phone... oh my!

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