Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Adventures in the Big City

This week I am in the cities for a training. Driving to the cities is a little different than my commute to work. I can leave for work knowing I will be there in 5 minutes and BE there in 5 minutes. I wake up on Monday at 5 am to be to training at 9.... sighs. Drive through a thunderstorm alone. Check this off the bucket list. Sitting in traffic for a half hour with 9 miles left to go. Check and bullet through the brain.
The "angry" music is cranked.

Note to self, pay attention to the red on your gps.

     So now I am in tears because I have to be there in 9 minutes and I am not finding the destination. I did not see any sign telling me I entered the town. I learned later that I entered a different side of the I guess this side of the town doesn't get a sign. First day of class and we sit through mind numbing information. On my orientation sheet it says we get lunch everyday. Yeah. We don't. So, go to Target and purchase all kinds of unhealthy food to eat. Why you might ask? Because I don't have Little Lady this week. Its cheez its and diet coke this week, baby! I am now tired and pretty excited to stay in this condo that the company set up for me. Swiftly I type in the address and am off to this condo. I feel like I should be in Miami and driving to my condo. Ok. Dreaming.
    Now here is where the story gets good. The condos in the cities are HUGE and packed in like sardines. There is traffic everywhere. I find the huge building but cannot find the garage. after the third time driving around the block like a creeper with candy I get enough courage to ask a stranger. I put on my sassy high pitch sweet voice and ask him where the garage is. He explains to me where it is and I am pretty sure he smirked under his breathe, "dumb blonde" so I am cruising through this creepy underground garage where I notice some shopping carts... still wondering why i saw shopping carts in the garage. Proceed to carry up my many "things" and I'm ok walking up the first flight of stairs...then I round the second flights of stairs...and third. I am huffing with all my stuff and felt like Jillian Michaels or someone from the Biggest Loser was going to tell me to move my ass. Are you kidding me?? I still had more shit in the car to bring up. I was already considering it a lost cause. I finally get to my door on the 80th floor. (felt like it.) Say hello to a man and his small dog that passes me, and enter the key into the lock. 10 minutes later I am still wrestling with the lock. I am beginning to think the dumb blonde comment was appropriate. Come on, be smarter than the lock. You can do this. Lost of positive flow was trying to overpower my desire to ninja kick the door. Finally the door opens and I am welcomed to the sight that.. this condo is already occupied. No one is inside however I see computer and folders on the table, a pillow pet on the bed and stuff in the bathroom. huh. my anxiety starts to raise. Is this seriously happening to me? Now what? I call the office. Of course everyone has gone home in charge of placing me there. The unlucky lady who answered the phone said she would call the office manager and get  back to me. She calls me back and says that she left a message on the office manger's phone but does not have numbers for the HR. Really? Are you kidding me? She basically said, "I am not sure how to help you.. I don't know what to tell you.." Uh, ok, thanks. Peace..
    So I am sitting down in this black swivel chair that faces the door that enters the condo. Kinda feeling like the godfather. Except I have no idea whose coming through those doors and all I got is my cell phone and a garage door opener. My beau is at home, searching online for someone owns the company. He finds a number. I call it. No answer. Why?! I text the number. With a successful response that someone from the HR will call me. HR was very apologetic and he said he would take care of it. But asked me to snoop a bit to find out who the person was. I did. This person was not on the schedule to stay there. So what if you're in good with the company you get a key to take home? Hmm...I asked if I could wait in my car because I really wasn't feeling an awkward confrontation tonight.

allergies are flaring. Polution in the cities..
     He said he set me up in a hotel they use also for people traveling. Super 8. Oh yeah. One floor. Maybe my decision of unhealthy food was not so great if I am this excited for a first floor hotel room...I barreled into the room with a sigh of relief.
Home Sweet Home
    Now that I am here the second night my microwave broke and I had to ask the front desk girl to exchange it. She was not pleased that I asked her to do her job. I also should not go to sleep at 9pm because there is people who still wander the halls. I heard voices and some rap music ring tone. How old am I? I wanted to shout to keep it down out there! So instead I cranked my loud air conditioner and made a fort of four pillows around me. Joining me instead of my usual bed partner is laptop, bags, and books on the right side. Glamorous.
My sleep partners and view of the night. <3



Thursday, September 5, 2013

New Chapters in the book of Me

     Lets open a new chapter about me. I am starting an internship this fall (September 16) and I am full of nerves and excitement. I have gone to school as long as someone going to be a doctor. sighs. I have two classes left to finish, an internship in place, job to still go to, and a Little Lady that needs to be taken care of. Oi...
      I have to admit since school has started for me and for Little Lady she has been superb getting up in the morning and helping me get ready. Crap - does this mean she is officially growing up? The sassiness seems to be subsiding and she is acting mature about situations where the answer is not always, "yes." Tantrums are becoming less frequent (not obsolete... everyone even adults still get whiny...)
    Ok. Cool. She is growing up, and I am planting new seeds. Now what? I cannot help but feel a little lost that my baby girl is growing up so quickly and our lives are changing so quickly.
Change can be great but can be hard and totally different.
    One of our goals are going to try to make the most of this year. Also, making the most of our time. Speaking of 10 minute homework break is over. Back to the grind.

homework view.