Monday, June 18, 2012

Screams and Cheese Curds

      This was the first trip we would all take together where the Little One would experience the BIG rides. Nothing like topping our hometown dinky little amusement park. (which is more my speed) This trip would start at exactly 7:26 and we are off. If you read my last camping post I was not a wonderful morning person. This time I flew around the house with jet filled fairy dust, carrying us to leave the house on time. BEFORE it was time. I even showered. We are driving on the freeway and my anxiety starts to rise as the traffic lanes start to increase. The Beau is weaving in and out of traffic like he was a former race car driver, while my imaginary break pedal is breaking from the pressure of my foot. My knuckles are white and at my anxiety breaking point two birds fly up the front of window shield. I screamed. Loud.  (now sleeping, the Little One does not even flinch. How do kids do that? It's like a superpower) Fortunately, the Beau found great amusement in my stress (and not freaked out and swerved into traffic.. which I would have probably done) for the birds. How funny he thought with my cursing out the birds of what they are doing on the freeway. Apparently I have assumed parenthood of these birds. He could laugh all he wanted at my lack of experience with driving on a paved road- because my turn comes shortly when we are slowed down from maximum speeds and swerving (I swear the Beau was an extra in Fast in the Furious before we met) to a Traffic Jam. Hah hah! Karma. This is when I crank the tunes and have the window down, I think I saw a snail pass us... this is more my speed. Why am I going to ValleyFair again?
      The sign welcomes our carload with excited squeals.... Then I wake up the Little One so she can get excited too.

     We are entering the gates of ValleyFair a few minutes after 10:00 AM. Yes, people this is serious business. "You need to get your damn moneys worth". (I just felt my penny pincher grandpa type through my fingers) The Beau knew of this great kid tracker ValleyFair had. Your kid gets a wrist band. You put your name on the bracelet and phone number in case you get separated (Like when your kid sees a giant cotton candy stand and runs madly off in a sugar frenzy) staff can call you and tell you your kid is safe and very nicely say you suck as a parent. (just kidding..I'm sure it happens all the time.)
     I forgot to mention it is Scout Day and our troop was there. I call my sister who is coming and explain this Kid Track program, then we run into some scouts from our troop and their parents.. I explain it to them too. I think I was a spokesperson for ValleyFair Kid Tracker in that 15 minutes. The best part is, I would have never known about it if the Beau didn't say anything to me. I stole his thunder. I am pretty sure he is still sore about it. Sorry, Man.. it is totally a woman thing.

     The first ride the duo try to go on is called Steel Venom. Why do they name them sooo scary? How about the opposite of that? I bet some of you are clever enough to come up with something... Maybe then I would go on it. Instead I will remain the photographer and let my 7 year old try all the death defying rides. Yes, death defying. Stop grinning. This is my blog post. They are scary rides...
She was too short for Steel Venom. Point proven.
     They went on every rollarcoaster they could go on and ate like kings. No puke.  The duo flew through as many rides as possible. Of course I stuck to more safer rides.. like the ancient automobile ride that topped out at 3 miles. Cruising baby.
      I do have to mention that I did go on one major rollarcoaster called the Renegade. I took the liberty to look up the definition of Renagade. It means: a deserter from one faith, cause, or allegiance to another. 2. : an individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior. WHO THE HECK in their RIGHT mind would ride on this, if they knew what the definition was???  Me, That is who. This chicky. I think the motion sickness medicine was really kicking it.
The Beau somehow ended up in the cart before me and the Little One. He finished the ride before us. His famous last words were, "Crap, I know she is not  going to like this at all." He was right. I almost lost my sunglasses. It was really, really fast.
But I can polish off my nails and brush my shoulders off because I did it.
     I know I might be forgetting so many other exciting memories we had at ValleyFair. We ended our night after 10:00 PM. We spent a full day their, grandpa. The night was left with fireworks letting patrons know it was time to exit.
The next day we visited Minnehaha Falls and drove home to recover. It took an entire day to recover.

 I think our summer is off to a pretty exciting start.

What post is to come next...?